““For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether such a great thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of.” Deuteronomy 4:32
The book of Deuteronomy could also be called the "The Last Will and Testament of Moses." After seeing the burning bush in the desert, the ten plagues in Egypt, the seas parted, water from the rock, mann from heaven, the cloud by day, and fire by night, Moses was a man who was absolutely transformed by the power of God's presence. Now he has come to the end of his life. God has already told him when and where he is going to die, so Moses speaks to the people one last time and tells them his hopes for them as they enter into the promised land and move forward without him. He begins by recounting all that God had done for the nation of Israel since Egypt and by chapter 4, Moses is overwhelmed with praise. He cries out, "Can you believe the God that we serve?! Is there any other god like him?!" To hear a man so in tune to the heart of God praise is a humbling and transforming thing. Today as we go to church or spend time with the family at home or whatever we are doing, let's take time out of our day to remember all that God has done in our life. I remember how I was a year ago, two years ago, five years ago. I remember the fear and anxiety Lauren and I had moving up to Dallas, the uncertainty of provisions. I remember looking at our feeble plans and timeline for our family. And then I think of how in every way, God has proven to provide more abundantly than we could ever deserve. He has given us a roof and food and joy and friendship. He has grown our marriage continually closer. He has given us a son to be born in the summer. The Lord God is a great God and there are no other gods beside Him! Oh what a wonderful God we serve!
Lord Jesus, help us to stop and remember the wonderful things you've done in our lives. We praise you because you are a God mighty and unique over all of creation!